Tag Archives: pirkey avot

Monsieur Shoshani about “civility”


“כל המקבל עליו עול תורה, מעבירין ממנו עול מלכות ועול דרך ארץ”  פרקי אבות  ג’ ו

Maximes des Pères (3,6) “Quiconque accepte le joug de la Torah, est affranchi du joug qu’impose la royauté terrestre comme celui qu’imposent les mondanités.”

Ethics of the Fathers (3,6) “One who accepts upon himself the yoke of Torah is exempted from the yoke of government duties and the yoke of civility”

Our movie about Mr. Shoshani / Monsieur Chouchani / מר שושני

חידת שושני - הנווד שידע הכול

סרטו של מיכאל גרינשפן

The Shoshani Riddle - the wanderer who knew it all
Dear friends in the world, I am thrilled to announce: here is my new movie! “THE SHOSHANI RIDDLE – the wanderer who knew it all” will finally be released and premiered at the Haifa International Film Festival!
10 years in the making!! extensive research all over the world, filming hundreds of testimonies, including unique secrets and discoveries about this so special character who was the mysterious mentor of Elie Wiesel and many others.
A wanderer, a genius, a legend…
It was an amazing journey and I hope you will enjoy this movie as much as I did in the making of it, during this exhausting but exciting journey. To my eyes, this is more than a film, this is a quest of meaning in life. I hope that all the messages conveyed in this film on “Monsieur Chouchani”, it’s world views, stories, ideas and emotions will have an impact. Thank you all for your support and patience.
Thank you also to the wonderful artists who worked with me on it.
“The Shoshani Riddle” will also be broadcasted on Israeli TV Kan11 and elsewhere. More will follow soon.
Michael Grynszpan


The Wanderer Who Knew It All

A film by Michael Grynszpan

 If you want to contact us, please send an email to contactfilm AT chouchani.com

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